Grounded Acres 2023 Fall CSA Box

All CSA spots are now full, as is our wait list. To be the first to find out about sign-ups next year, join our email newsletter.

Celebrate the bounty and flavour of fresh, local food by joining our 2023 fall CSA box!

From November 4 - December 24 you will receive 8 weeks of produce, packed in a box for you to pick up each weekend from Gibsons (Saturdays or Sundays 10-7 at our farm) or Sechelt (Saturdays 10-2 at the Winter Market in the Seaside Centre).

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, an investment by the eater (you) in their farmers (us) by pre-paying for the produce grown. It helps us cover up-front costs for the growing season and enables us a guaranteed sale for our produce so the crops we harvest can find a home in someone’s kitchen. In return, you get first pick of seasonal produce before it goes to our other sales channels, or if an item is limited it may only go to our CSA.

Every box will include 5 - 7 types of certified organic, seasonal produce from our farm with a focus on diversity and grocery staples (think: salad, root vegetables, squash, cooking greens, onions). Each box has a market value of $25 but you receive a 10% discount because you pay upfront, which adds up to $180 total for 8 weeks. A two-person household or small family will find this a perfect amount for their grocery needs each week, and our weekly CSA newsletter will help you with recipe ideas and information about your produce.

For a limited number of boxes (first-come first-served) we are able to add 1 dozen eggs each week, from our own flock of certified organic chickens. Boxes with the egg add-on cost an additional $7/week, for our small sized pullet (teenage chicken) eggs.